Family School Organization

Morrisonville Family School Organization (MFSO)

Melissa Catton

[email protected]


Vice President:
Rebecca Carter

[email protected]


Brittany Bowen

[email protected]


Heather Dilley-Seabrook

[email protected]


To contact the "Morrisonville Family School Organization" please send mail in attention to:
47 Sand Road
Morrisonville, NY 12962

or Fax to Attn: M.F.S.O. 518-565-5972

The Morrisonville Family School Organization (MFSO) proudly presents Morrisonville's very own apparel store where you can pick your own colors and designs including our very own school logo.

Visit the MFSO Apparel Store:Click ---> Apparel Store - Morrisonville Elementary School Gear

And Viola! Start shopping for quality shirts and sweatshirts and many other items. Here are some quick details.

  • We earn 12% profit from every sale
  • You pay for shipping and handling.
  • Your purchases will be delivered right to your house.
  • Connect to our store through Morrisonville's Facebook page or through the Saranac Central School website.
  • Choose our very own logo too as part of your design!